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NRU MGSU Hosts BUILD YOUR FUTURE International Autumn Contest

NRU MGSU Hosts BUILD YOUR FUTURE International Autumn Contest

NRU MGSU Hosts BUILD YOUR FUTURE International Autumn Contest

NRU MGSU hosted BUILD YOUR FUTURE Autumn Contest held on October 15 – 29, 2017. The Contest was organized for the students of the M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India.

This two-week autumn course, composed of theoretical and practical sessions, was developed for the second-year master students of the M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. In India, these students study civil engineering and major in structural mechanics, construction management, engineering ecology, and transport engineering. The resources of NRU MGSU have made it possible to implement the programme fitting the educational needs of each student.

Within the framework of the course syllabus, the students learned more about the main areas of research and education at NRU MGSU; they visited the research and educational laboratory for aerodynamic and aero-acoustic testing of structural units, the research institute of construction materials and technologies, the educational centre “Information Systems and Intelligent Automatics in Civil Engineering”, the diagnostic and testing laboratory of structural units, the research and educational centre “Geotechnics”, and the laboratory of the Institute of Comprehensive Safety in Civil Engineering.

The students also attended the lectures delivered by the leading specialists in material engineering, testing of structures, geotechnology, urban development, and engineering ecology.

The course attendees had an opportunity to learn more about the items of equipment and ask any questions in the course of the lectures.

The course attendees also visited several unique construction facilities in Moscow, including the Dynamo stadium, Ostankino technical centre, Rostokino reinforced concrete factory DSK-1, and Vodokanal Mytischi Open Joint Stock Company.

Each attendee received an official certificate of completion of the course delivery. The learning outcomes were assessed according to the ECTS international grading scale, and the credits earned by the attendees could be used in the course of mastering the educational programmes offered by their home university in India.

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