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The delegation from the Shanghai Institute of Technologies visited MGSU

The delegation from the Shanghai Institute of Technologies visited MGSU

The delegation from the Shanghai Institute of Technologies visited MGSU
On September 22 MGSU hosted the delegation from the Shanghai Institute of Technologies (People's Republic of China), with the membership of the Vice-president E Yinzhong, the Director of the Department of education Lie Gozjuan, the Dean of faculty of Electrical engineering and electronics Cian Ping and the Dean of faculty of Engineering mechanics Chang Dungmin.
The guests visited the research and development, the scientific and educational laboratories and centers of MGSU.
There were held the negotiations on possible cooperation in the following areas: electrical engineering, information systems, mechanical engineering, construction materials.
Representatives of the Shanghai institute of technologies proposed to organize an exchange of teachers, research associates and students between our Higher education institutions, and also our joint participation in the international projects.

International Relations Department
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